Sunday, April 15, 2018

Social Media Influencing Teenagers to Post Nudes?

Author: Carole English

The Influence of Social Media

    We all know that Social Media can influence certain audiences in several different ways. Even if it’s unintentional, there are posts that can leave an effect on someone viewing or reading it. The younger generation are probably the most influential group of users that use social media applications on a daily basis. This group is seeking instant fame from viewers all over the world. Recognition and self-gratification give them a feeling of acceptance to society. The more viewers received, the more exciting and challenging for these teenagers. As we know, some teenagers have little attention from parents or guardians. Seeking love or a relationship of some kind can be a huge influence and a feeling of closeness or as part of a group. Dealing with complainers and opposition from viewers can cause them to feel neglected or not wanted to society or a loving relationship. These teenagers’ first response to opposition is anger and feeling neglected as a person. Some teenagers do not understand the morale standards set by some in society. “What do you mean I should not show my body and share it with the world, I’m not shame of my body!”  They are seeking acceptance and love from anyone who will agree with their position of nudity and exposure and their rights as an open-minded person.

The Negative Effects

       Unfortunately, when teenagers, or anyone, go down a path such as this, it can lead into a dangerous environment for that individual. There are so many sexual predators in the world that are out there waiting for the perfect opportunity. What better opportunity than a teenager posting nudes on social media seeking attention? The temptations increase with the nudity leading to sex trafficking, prostitution and drug exposure. With each of the temptations, there is a greater desire of fame and recognition and a somewhat family setting not received at home. Sex trafficking brings lots of income to support your desires of fortune. Prostitution can complete desires of family-life when there is a “pimp” involved, which can be mistaken as a father or husband figure. Drugs are ever increasing and can help these teenagers escape reality and deal with rejections and complaints from upper societies. Becoming a part of a group of drug dealers can be mistaken as acceptance and love, as well. They get lost emotionally and drift in and out of who they are or what their real goals in life may be from the very beginning of exposing their bodies on social medias. There are several relationships but to the wrong crowds and there is never true love, as well. Will they ever get out of a bad situation? Is there a life expectancy after total exposure? Where is the love? Even though this quick exposure could last but a few seconds, it could last a lifetime since images and videos never really disappear from the internet and can be accessed years later. This could damage someone’s reputation for a lifetime.

Possible Preventions or Alternatives

    There are several ways teenagers can avoid or prevent themselves from falling into an influential situation such as social media nudity. First of all, these teenagers can seek parental guidance and discuss with them their need of love and support from family. Open communication is imperative between teenagers and parents. Suicide rates are increasing from teenage use of social media. All the more reason why the parents should monitor teenage access to computer usage and discuss the pros and cons with them. Secondly, female teenagers are impressionable to a parent figure or societal acceptance from older men. These young girls want to feel like they are grown or attractive to men in general. Parents should watch the girls’ outward appearances and monitor any mood swings, which could be an indication of outside influences. Too many teenagers are at a lost to love and relationships. The world is known to “chew them up and spit them out,” sort of speak.
In conclusion, observation and access to the computer and social media is crucial to a well-groomed teenager. Preparation for the world and its standards of acceptance should be instilled at a young age. Parents need to set a good example of stability and a loving family environment. Learning what’s right and wrong in society is important in order for a teenager to avoid seeking the wrong crowds. Teenagers need to know that there is hope in life, a higher power to guide them and lead them in the right direction. There must be stability in all aspects of home life. As young kids grow up observing and mimicking other adults, exposure to a loving family in the home can be crucial and necessary. We all have a part to play in shaping someone’s life. Have we, as adults, done all we can to be role models for our future generations? What can we do different? What is wrong with societal acceptance of sexual nudity and how can we correct it? What can I do to change things? These are all questions we should ask each other.  



  1. Interesting, in my area we have had problems like this with teens. A few years ago some teens even were charged with possession of these images. Its a very challenging situation.

  2. I agree, Lee. It's a type of situation that takes careful handling due to the age of the teenagers and their safety.

  3. Hello Carole,

    I must begin with the statement that I completely agree that the determents of social media are very real, especially with a generation that grew up with social media sharing as a common method for connecting with new people. I also recognize the “ease of access” for sexual predators to come in contact with individuals that may be considered vulnerable.

    You have brought up some really good points that should be considered, but I do not think social media is solely to blame. It is a new-ish form of communication, unlike anything we have seen in the past. Everyone can now be heard and group together with likeminded individuals. I personally use Twitter to get updates in news that I am interested in and the great thing is that it does not come through a corporate filter – its people who are there reporting on what is happening.

    However, it can be a dangerous platform for someone who just wants to be heard. I am glad that you brought in the family aspect to help address these issues. Yes, family support is extremely important, but there should be guidance for someone who is young and is taking part in social media. I say that this should be the responsibility of everyone who is responsible for the upbringing of a child. It’s a new-ish form of communication to the world that can be easily accessed and we as parents and instructors should address this accordingly.

    I greatly appreciate your post. It has provided a lot of concerns to think about.

    - Wesley

    1. Hi Wesley,

      Thank you very much for your feedback. I completely agree with everything you mentioned. We cannot solely blame social media because it takes the users to complete it. No one is forced to use social media. It is an option to create an account, post personal information and view other posts. However, like you mentioned, the younger generation is growing up today thinking this is the norm now. Having a conversation face-to-face or even over the phone is slowly becoming obsolete. I hope we can eventually reduce the amount of impact social media plays in our lives, but I am not so sure that will ever happen.

      Thanks again for your feedback and thoughts, Wesley.

  4. I think what we learn is that teenagers just aren't mature enough to understand the future ramifications of what they post online. I'm not even sure that early college students (18-21) really comprehend how bad it can look for them if they were to post images that future employers could see. There's also the issue with acceptance, and this turns in to a huge issue - I equate it with the adult equivalent of "keeping up with the Jones'", gotta do what our friends do.

    1. Kyle,

      You are right. I agree that some of the teenagers and early college students may not understand the impact their posts on social media can eventually do to their professional career. There are so many employers today that use that tactic when screening a potential candidates for employment. However, I do personally know a few teenagers and young adults that understand that impact and choose their words, photos and videos wisely when posting something under their name. Although, there are some, like you mentioned, that feel as if they need to keep up with the "cool" people and post things that are inappropriate or unnecessary.

      Thank you, Kyle, for your comments.

  5. Yep! Thanks for this post. Its an image driven world we live in, most young people crave that sexy instagram body. With all these celebrities posting naked to semi naked pictures, it has not helped as well. Especially right now, it seems we as a society is becoming desensitized to nude pictures. A few years ago, it was a huge deal for a person's naked picture to be circulating. Now, it seems, no one cares.


    1. Yes, people are more immune now to the naked pictures and videos out there. I think eventually it's going to be the norm among our society.

      Carole English

  6. Social media is outlet of expression for teens away from their parents. I recall a joke that goes that way: Teen1: "Dude, you are no longer on Facebook!" Teen2:"That's true, I left has become so lame".. Teen2:"Lame! why?" .. Teen2: "My parents have Facebook now."
    So it is expected that teens who naturally experiment with everything to take whatever they do offline to social media online when the authority (the parents) are not around. I think doing these things online is a lot more dangerous However because it opens the door for cyber bullying, extortion, and a lot more. We have heard in the news many cases that started with nude posting and ended with suicide. Parents and schools must be super vigilant regarding what their kids are doing online.
